
sebi tramontana by gianni grossi
Udo Schindler - Sandy Ewen - Damon Smith - Sebi Tramontana

Where: Streitfeldstraße 33, 81673 München /

When: 2023-05-23, 7PM

Performers: Udo Schindler Saxophone & Klarinetten
Sandy Ewen Gitarre (USA)
Damon Smith Kontrabaß (USA)
Sebastiano Tramontana Posaune (I)

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Joe Baiza / Damon Smith / Matt Crane Northeast Tour

Where: East Coast

When: , July 20th - 29th

Performers: Joe Baiza - guitar
Damon Smith - double bass
Matt Crane - drums

1. July 20 Portland, Maine

2. July 21 Providence, RI

3. Not on the flyer:Jul 22, 8:00 PM – 11:00 PMEpsilon Spires, 190 Main St, Brattleboro, VT 05301, USA

4. July 23 Trans Pecos QUEENS, NEW YORK!!! QUARTET WITH STEPHEN HAYNES!!!5. July 25 Lily Pad, Cambridge, MA

6. July 26: Tubby's KINGSTON, NY

7. July 27 Metro, Baltimore, MD
8.July 28th Rhizome Washington, DC
9. July 29 Record Relics, Richmond, VA
10. July 30 Philadelphia, PA  Pageant: Soloveev (607 Bainbridge St,